How can life coaching help you?
You might think successful homeschooling is about curriculum and schedules.
I know I did. But what I learned early on in my homeschool journey is that while those things are important, the ability to execute them in a way that feels sustainable and true to you depends on other skills.
While I was a devoted mother, good with kids, and had lots of teaching experience already as a private music instructor, my homeschool journey was a rocky one. Anxious and depressed, overwhelmed and frustrated, I finally stopped going down Pinterest rabbit holes and reading books on education and made one critical decision that would change my life forever:
I hired a life coach.
Life coaching was everything I didn’t know I needed.
Working with a life coach taught me the skills I needed to make my homeschool dreams a reality. Skills like:
How to plan and follow through
How to make decisions
How to manage time
How to hold boundaries
How to communicate without overreacting
How to create more intimacy in my relationships
How to get out of the thought-feeling-behavior loops I knew weren’t serving me
How to stop over-eating, over-spending, and over-Instagramming
How to change my beliefs, process my emotions, and take effective action based on my values and intuition instead of my fears and reactivity
These aren’t homeschool skills. These are life skills. And they will determine the success of your homeschool.
life coaching changed my inner and outer worlds so significantly that I decided to certify as a coach myself.
As I waded through my homeschool journey, I had a gnawing feeling inside me that it shouldn’t be this hard, that I would figure it out, and that I would support other women through it. Certifying as a life coach was a rigorous training and personally transformative experience that gave me the tools and skill to help homeschool moms make lasting changes in their lives.
The truth is that your homeschool thrives when you do. And homeschool strategies alone aren’t enough. By blending homeschooling skills with life coaching, I offer a unique gift to the homeschool community: true support, actionable tools + implementation, and personal healing.
Ready to get started? Take the first step here: