Productivity, Parenting, Fatherhood Emily Bailey Productivity, Parenting, Fatherhood Emily Bailey

Lessons my dad has taught me

Work first, play later.

Do your duty.

Return and report. 

When you’re overwhelmed, go to the mountains.

Do 40% of what you’re trying to do.

If you can’t say no, say, “Not yet.”

Endure well.

When you’re hurting, you can choose to hunch over and moan or stand up straight and move on.

There are ten different ways to look at a problem.

Give offers freely, and advice when solicited. 

Listen well. 

Ask questions. 

Get the whole story. 


Most things don’t really matter.

2 am is 2 late.


Get your face in there.


Question your assumptions.


Weird is good.

Be well, do good work, keep in touch. 

A dirty Jeep is a happy Jeep. 

Go figure it out. 


Just as influential as these lessons are the methods he used to teach me:

1. He spoke softly.

2. He corrected me privately. 

3. He taught briefly.

4. He taught by repetition.

5. He taught by example. 


I would do well to stick to these techniques.  I guess I’ll go figure it out.

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